The Finishing School
Celloglas Create Fluted Foil and Spot Gloss UV Look For Computer Arts’ ‘Branding Annual 2014’
Computer Art’s Collection have chosen Celloglas to apply the decorative finishes to their Graphic Design Annual 2014 series, choosing a fluted red foil along with a spot gloss and Velvet Cellocover varnish using the Heidelberg at the Celloglas Leicester site.
The inaugural ‘Branding Annual’ is a stunning, 130-page magazine of meticulously curated branding brilliance. From the seminal projects that made the world stop and take notice to the quietly outstanding work being produced by the globe’s best studios, agencies and individual designers, it’s all in there.

Julia Sager, Editor of Computer Arts Collection, commented, “A special thanks goes to our good friends at Celloglas. The British finishing house has once again pulled out all the stops to make the Annual a fitting celebration of the projects showcased inside.”
Steve Middleton, Sales Director at Celloglas, commented, “The Cellocover Velvet varnish gives the annual a smooth high-end feel, with the fluted red foil and Cellocover gloss spot UV adding an extra depth and premium nature to the cover”.